Questions for your Copier Rep

Getting a good copier is largely dependent on working with a copier leasing company that you trust. If you work with a company that you trust then you will have less concern about your lease rate and price. At Rochester Copier we believe in questioning your copier rep as much as possible to make sure they have your best interests at heart.

There are always some basic questions to ask your copier rep. Feel them out and see if you trust what they are saying. If you feel like they are giving you the run-around, or trying to be slick with you then you should consider they may not be helping you. There are a lot of slimy salespeople out there, and most are not on your side.

Here are some questions you should consider asking your leasing rep.

  1. Are there any additional fees that I need to know about? Don’t just assume that your monthly lease payment is going to be a consistent, flat rate. Understanding the fine print of your lease will let you know what you are actually getting yourself into. Knowing about any additional fees associated with maintenance, toner, and paper usage will help you keep your budget in line.
  2. What happens when the lease expires? Can you buyout if you need to? If so, what if the copier stops working at the leases end? Who will repair it? Is it still your responsibility?
  3. Who takes care of the delivery fees? Do not just assume that the leasing company will take the hit on the delivery fee. You will want to know what you will be paying for when your service rep comes to deliver your copier and equipment.

The more questions that you ask the better. It becomes a dual purpose of understanding your lease as fully as possible, and trusting your leasing rep. If they don’t give you clear answers then there is a good chance that they are trying to sneak something by you.

Work with the trustworthy experts at Rochester Copier. We will give you straightforward answers and are willing to discuss any aspect of you lease.