Posts by admin
Copier Lease Lengths
When you are getting ready to sign your first copier lease there are several things you need to consider. One of those things is how long you want you lease to be for. There are a number of copier lease length options that we can provide you with at Rochester Copier. However, there is one…
Read MoreWhy Copier Leases are Worth it
When some people start looking for a copier they become surprised at how much they are about to spend. This can lead to them trying to save money by getting print and copier solutions other ways. The reality is that you can find other solutions but it’s hard to find a better deal than a…
Read MoreCopier Solutions for your Business
We understand that no two businesses are exactly alike. Everyone has different needs, different budgets, and different clientele. That’s why there is such a large collection of copiers to choose from in the world. It can be difficult to decide on your own what you think will help you the most. Luckily, Rochester Copier has…
Read MoreQuestions for your Copier Rep
Getting a good copier is largely dependent on working with a copier leasing company that you trust. If you work with a company that you trust then you will have less concern about your lease rate and price. At Rochester Copier we believe in questioning your copier rep as much as possible to make sure…
Read MoreSave on Your Copier Lease
Overspending on a copier lease is a far too common occurrence in the world of copier leases. This is because there are too many untrustworthy copier leasing companies who only want your money. They will do whatever they can to make you spend more than you should. You may have experienced this before with a…
Read MoreHow Paper Trays Expand your Abilities
If your business is growing faster than you imagined, then your copier may not be fulfilling your needs. It’s definitely a good problem to have too much growth, but you need to be able to keep up with the pace. For most people, it’s not that their copier can’t do the jobs. The actual problem…
Read MoreAdding Security to Your Copier
Not everyone is aware, but your copier could be at risk of a cyber-attack. Your copier holds data that could be stolen if you do not take the right steps. Rochester Copier wants to make sure that you are doing everything you can to protect yourself from an attack, and wants to make sure you…
Read MoreWhy Warm-up Time Matters
It is important to understand all the features you are getting when choosing the copier for your business. Not all copiers are the right fit for every job, and just because it is powerful, doesn’t mean you need it. Rochester Copier understands where most people get confused and wants to help clear the air. We…
Read MoreLeasing vs Buying
If you need a copier for your business then you may be finding that there are a number of options. There are a number of machines from great brands that all look like they could get the job done. But your business needs are specific, and at Rochester Copier we want to make sure you…
Read MoreAvoid Mistakes when Returning a Copier
Returning a copier should be the easy part of the lease. You have followed all the rules of the leasing company, got continued maintenance, and are excited for a new machine. It should be as easy as having the copier picked up, but that’s not how copier leases work. Returning a copier is usually not…
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