Ending a Copier Lease

For many people ending a copier lease is actually one of the hardest parts of their lease. This is because most people spend the time to understand their responsibilities in only the first part of their leases. Many people will simple forget that they have things to take care of when their leases come to an end. After all, copier leases go on for years. Ending a copier lease doesn’t have to be hard as long as you know what you need to remember.

  1. Look out for automatic rollover. Automatic rollover will give your leasing company the ability to continue your copier lease even after your original termination date passes. You will have a specific date that you will need to confirm termination by or your company will continue service. This can cause big problems while planning for the future. Find out what date you need to remember and set numerous reminders as to not miss this date.
  2. Find out your shipping responsibilities. Don’t assume that your leasing company is going to pick up your copier for you. It is usually the responsibility of the person who leased the copier to figure out how to ship the copier back. Look for deals early on and set a pickup date. You will get a better price if you schedule early on.
  3. Know your your packaging requirements. This is the easiest part to do correctly. Simple check your lease or owners manual to figure out how to package your copier. This could include things like shipping toner in their own separate, sealed bags. Do this correctly or you may get fined.

That’s all there really is to ending a copier lease. If you have more questions then feel free to reach out to our staff at Rochester Copier today.