How Paper Trays Expand your Abilities

If your business is growing faster than you imagined, then your copier may not be fulfilling your needs. It’s definitely a good problem to have too much growth, but you need to be able to keep up with the pace. For most people, it’s not that their copier can’t do the jobs. The actual problem is that the copier doesn’t have the capacity to make operations go as smoothly as they should. In times like these, you should consider adding paper trays to expand your abilities.

Practically every copier made by companies like Xerox or Formax have the ability to add paper trays. This was basically done for the exact situation we described above. Businesses grow and needs change and you need to be able to adapt.

The most obvious benefit of adding paper trays is that you don’t have to continually change out your paper. Most copiers have paper trays that can hold between 500-5000 sheets. If your machine does not give you enough space then you should consider adding paper trays to expand your abilities. Ideally, on your busiest days, you don’t want to change your paper tray more than once.

Additional paper trays can also help keep you more organized. Your copier can have different trays to help you organize paper by weigh, and color. You can also have different paper trays for different media sizes. This will make it way easier to change between tabloid and pamphlet printing without having to deal with your machine.

Give us a call today at Rochester Copier to get the most out of your copier. We can expand your abilities with paper trays and make sure your business can keep up with your demands.