Print Quality – Density Bands, Voids, Lines & Dots

Precisely detecting the issues of variations in print quality in your printer or your supplies will require some detective work. Here are two suggestions to rule out the cause:

You can print an internal report like a configuration or setting support. If no error or defect pops up, you might be dealing with a problem with the original document or file. 

You can try out and print a different document using another program. If the problem remains the same, you can carry on with your investigation. 

Common Defects in the Print Quality and Their Causes

You might discover dots, spots, vertical lines, horizontal lines, ghosted images or backgrounds, smears, voids, or some blackout spaces within the image. 

  • Ghost images appear if the fuser unit is not heating the toner powder correctly.
  • Vertical lines typically appear on your prints due to a clogged-up printer head.
  • Dots appear on the prints due to any foreign material inside the printer (for example, dust, glue from envelopes, staples).
  • Voids or horizontal lines in your output occur due to clogged nozzles in your printhead.

Solutions to These Problems

  • Make sure you are using the correct appearance with the proper specifications. 
  • The paper should also be in good condition and should not be damp. 
  • Program your paper adequately in the printer tray.

If you’re still not getting the perfect print, clean the components that influence the print quality. These include printhead lenses or laser windows. Also, make sure that all levers and latches are properly locked.

Make sure to go for the right page quality and gauge to get the best results from your printer. The paper compatibility details are available in your printer’s user manual. 

Don’t know how to do it? You can call Xerox customer support for technician help or watch some online videos to troubleshoot these issues all by yourself.